Rata-, ja maastojuoksukoe
- Alaisuus: VVUL
- Järjestäjä: Crissu
- Tuomari: Crissu T
- Kilpailupäivä: 19.11.2023
- VIP: 18.11.2023
- Lajit/maat: Rata-, ja maastojuoksu/kaikki maat
Yhdeltä osallistujalta max. 10koiraa per luokka, rajattomat luokkakoot.
Osallistumiset lähetetään sähköpostiin virtcrissun(at)gmail.com, otsikolla VINTTI2.
Kaikki mahdolliset korjaukset samaiseen osoitteeseen otsikoinnilla VINTTI2-korjaus.
AfgaaninvinttikoiraKV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-24652 afgaan Sthare Mashe Neda, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-22038 irlsus Phosphenes Acting the Maggot, Deneo
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-20008 irlsus Korpinmustan Londonderry, Deneo
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25848 rh Foxphoria Under No Illusions, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-24091 rh Mephistophyant Firevasquez, Crissu
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25119 saluki Hapsulehdon Kastehelmi, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25220 slough Elysian Riptide, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-24333 slough Elysian Mystery, Dee
VTR-25678 slough N'Gozi Fakhita, Dee
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25354 venvin Stepmaker's Malenti, Dee
VTR-25348 venvin Stepmaker's Melech, Sedna
VTR-25117 venvin Stado's Leonti Bazhen, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-23186 venvin Jentacular Winklepicker, Crissu
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu
VTR-23187 venvin Raconteur Nainsook, Crissu
VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee
VTR-24667 venvin Myrskysielun Julma, Dee
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-24367 whippe Elysian Lullaby, Deneo
VTR-23243 whippe Elysian Gamma, Dee
VTR-25240 whippe Draining Spell by Wicked Wishes, Sedna
VTR-24714 whippe Godsake Adroit, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-24717 whippe Whirlabout Cotton Candy Land, Dee
VTR-24304 whippe Elysian Look, Dee
VTR-24952 whippe Elysian Paradox, Dee
VTR-24716 whippe Sysimetsän Yksinäisyysjatkumo, Dee
VTR-24713 whippe Kultakuumeen Ketku Kangastus, Dee
VTR-25115 whippe Meep Goes the Squirrel, Dee
VTR-24062 whippe Elysian Jinx, Dee
VTR-24474 whippe Elysian Neverland, Dee
AfgaaninvinttikoiraKV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-24654 afgaan Ârezu Sepehr, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25357 engvin Elysian Tomorrow, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-20008 irlsus Korpinmustan Londonderry, Deneo
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-22038 irlsus Phosphenes Acting the Maggot, Deneo
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-24091 rh Mephistophyant Firevasquez, Crissu
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25806 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Ukonputki, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25677 slough Roslyn's Sound of Waves, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-25220 slough Elysian Riptide, Dee
VTR-25678 slough N'Gozi Fakhita, Dee
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-23187 venvin Raconteur Nainsook, Crissu
VTR-25117 venvin Stado's Leonti Bazhen, Dee
VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-23359 venvin Stepmaker's Ginika Clementianna, Crissu
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu
VTR-25354 venvin Stepmaker's Malenti, Dee
VTR-23186 venvin Jentacular Winklepicker, Crissu
VTR-25348 venvin Stepmaker's Melech, Sedna
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25240 whippe Draining Spell by Wicked Wishes, Sedna
VTR-24304 whippe Elysian Look, Dee
VTR-24367 whippe Elysian Lullaby, Deneo
VTR-24474 whippe Elysian Neverland, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-24716 whippe Sysimetsän Yksinäisyysjatkumo, Dee
VTR-24714 whippe Godsake Adroit, Dee
VTR-24062 whippe Elysian Jinx, Dee
VTR-24952 whippe Elysian Paradox, Dee
VTR-24393 whippe Myrskysielun Looginen, Dee
VTR-24713 whippe Kultakuumeen Ketku Kangastus, Dee
VTR-24715 whippe Mångatas Skogsglänta, Dee
VTR-24712 whippe Bloomkin Keep Chasing, De
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25357 engvin Elysian Tomorrow, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25286 espvin Hippulat Vinkuen Sudenmarja, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-22038 irlsus Phosphenes Acting the Maggot, Deneo
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-24091 rh Mephistophyant Firevasquez, Crissu
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25806 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Ukonputki, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25677 slough Roslyn's Sound of Waves, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-25220 slough Elysian Riptide, Dee
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu
VTR-23187 venvin Raconteur Nainsook, Crissu
VTR-25348 venvin Stepmaker's Melech, Sedna
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee
VTR-25117 venvin Stado's Leonti Bazhen, Dee
VTR-25766 venvin Venin du Cheval, Crissu
VTR-23186 venvin Jentacular Winklepicker, Crissu
VTR-25354 venvin Stepmaker's Malenti, Dee
KV-aika, alle 40s.
VTR-25240 whippe Draining Spell by Wicked Wishes, Sedna
VTR-24367 whippe Elysian Lullaby, Deneo
VTR-24717 whippe Whirlabout Cotton Candy Land, Dee
VTR-24393 whippe Myrskysielun Looginen, Dee
Hylätty, yli 40s.
VTR-24716 whippe Sysimetsän Yksinäisyysjatkumo, Dee
VTR-24713 whippe Kultakuumeen Ketku Kangastus, Dee
VTR-24474 whippe Elysian Neverland, Dee
VTR-24715 whippe Mångatas Skogsglänta, Dee
VTR-23630 whippe Myrskysielun Synkkämielinen, Dee
VTR-23405 whippe Hippulat Vinkuen Ipomoea Purpurea, Dee
VTR-24712 whippe Bloomkin Keep Chasing, Dee
VTR-24714 whippe Godsake Adroit, Dee
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-24923 basenj Banana Mint Ubuntu, Dee 68p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25357 engvin Elysian Tomorrow, Dee 88p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25286 espvin Hippulat Vinkuen Sudenmarja, Dee 95p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-20008 irlsus Korpinmustan Londonderry, Deneo 77p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-22038 irlsus Phosphenes Acting the Maggot, Deneo 32p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25848 rh Foxphoria Under No Illusions, Dee 99p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-24091 rh Mephistophyant Firevasquez, Crissu 60p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25678 slough N'Gozi Fakhita, Dee 69p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-25220 slough Elysian Riptide, Dee 43p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25117 venvin Stado's Leonti Bazhen, Dee 80p
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu 74p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee 59p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-24667 venvin Myrskysielun Julma, Dee 45p
VTR-25348 venvin Stepmaker's Melech, Sedna 43p
VTR-25354 venvin Stepmaker's Malenti, Dee 37p
VTR-23359 venvin Stepmaker's Ginika Clementianna, Crissu 33p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25306 whippe Elysian Seal, Dee 81p
VTR-24713 whippe Kultakuumeen Ketku Kangastus, Dee 77p
VTR-25240 whippe Draining Spell by Wicked Wishes, Sedna 75p
VTR-24367 whippe Elysian Lullaby, Deneo 68p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-24952 whippe Elysian Paradox, Dee 56p
VTR-24715 whippe Mångatas Skogsglänta, Dee 53p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-25115 whippe Meep Goes the Squirrel, Dee 43p
VTR-25214 whippe Elysian Quantum, Dee 39p
VTR-24714 whippe Godsake Adroit, Dee 36p
VTR-24717 whippe Whirlabout Cotton Candy Land, Dee 9p
VTR-15591 whippe Zuriñe Teresa de la Dorado, Dee 5p
AfgaaninvinttikoiraSERT, 100-67p.
VTR-24654 afgaan Ârezu Sepehr, Dee 70p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25357 engvin Elysian Tomorrow, Dee 82p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25286 espvin Hippulat Vinkuen Sudenmarja, Dee 69p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25361 itavin Elysian Utopia, Dee 94p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-22038 irlsus Phosphenes Acting the Maggot, Deneo 83p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-20008 irlsus Korpinmustan Londonderry, Deneo 61p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-24091 rh Mephistophyant Firevasquez, Crissu 91p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25119 saluki Hapsulehdon Kastehelmi, Dee 100p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-25806 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Ukonputki, Dee 54p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25220 slough Elysian Riptide, Dee 78p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-25678 slough N'Gozi Fakhita, Dee 60p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-25677 slough Roslyn's Sound of Waves, Dee 44p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25348 venvin Stepmaker's Melech, Sedna 77p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-23359 venvin Stepmaker's Ginika Clementianna, Crissu 61p
VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee 59p
VTR-25354 venvin Stepmaker's Malenti, Dee 57p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-23187 venvin Raconteur Nainsook, Crissu 23p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25116 whippe Joltily Pink Tiger, Dee 90p
VTR-25306 whippe Elysian Seal, Dee 77p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-24713 whippe Kultakuumeen Ketku Kangastus, Dee 53p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-25214 whippe Elysian Quantum, Dee 22p
VTR-24367 whippe Elysian Lullaby, Deneo 16p
VTR-15591 whippe Zuriñe Teresa de la Dorado, Dee 14p
VTR-24474 whippe Elysian Neverland, Dee 12p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25357 engvin Elysian Tomorrow, Dee 86p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25286 espvin Hippulat Vinkuen Sudenmarja, Dee 72p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-20008 irlsus Korpinmustan Londonderry, Deneo 90p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-22038 irlsus Phosphenes Acting the Maggot, Deneo 63p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-24091 rh Mephistophyant Firevasquez, Crissu 77p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25806 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Ukonputki, Dee 70p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-25220 slough Elysian Riptide, Dee 91p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-25677 slough Roslyn's Sound of Waves, Dee 52p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-23186 venvin Jentacular Winklepicker, Crissu 94p
VTR-25354 venvin Stepmaker's Malenti, Dee 83p
VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee 81p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-25117 venvin Stado's Leonti Bazhen, Dee 63p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu 48p
VTR-25348 venvin Stepmaker's Melech, Sedna 43p
VTR-25766 venvin Venin du Cheval, Crissu 31p
VTR-23359 venvin Stepmaker's Ginika Clementianna, Crissu 20p
SERT, 100-67p.
VTR-24952 whippe Elysian Paradox, Dee 90p
VTR-25115 whippe Meep Goes the Squirrel, Dee 86p
VTR-15591 whippe Zuriñe Teresa de la Dorado, Dee 80p
VTR-25214 whippe Elysian Quantum, Dee 73p
VTR-25116 whippe Joltily Pink Tiger, Dee 71p
Hyväksytty, 66-50p.
VTR-24717 whippe Whirlabout Cotton Candy Land, Dee 63p
Hylätty, alle 50p.
VTR-25240 whippe Draining Spell by Wicked Wishes, Sedna 41p
VTR-24367 whippe Elysian Lullaby, Deneo 33p
VTR-24712 whippe Bloomkin Keep Chasing, Dee 22p
VTR-25306 whippe Elysian Seal, Dee 20p
VTR-24715 whippe Mångatas Skogsglänta, Dee 6p